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10th Bioproduction Congress BioPC2025
Name of Event: 10th Bioproduction Congress (BioPC2025)
Date: Sept. 22-23, 2025
Venue: Convention Center – Cité Internationale, Lyon – France
The Bioproduction Congress (BioPC) is the annual event of the biopharmaceutical production sector where stakeholders from Europe gather together to showcase and exchange the latest innovations in bioprocessing. This dynamic event promotes exchanges on the future of biomanufacturing, addresses the current challenges and showcases new breakthrough solutions.
This event will bring together experts from companies (big pharmas, SME and Startups) and laboratories developing therapeutic candidates as well as leading bioproduction professionals to accelerate therapeutics drugs such as mAbs, vaccines, cell therapy and novel products into commercial manufacturing. It will include scientific lectures with the latest innovations in the field, a Breakthrough Innovation Pitch session and a Posters session to present new projects and services that go beyond traditional approaches from both academia and industry. Moreover, the event will also include parallel workshops, an Exhibition Hall to showcase new technologies and a partnering platform to promote exchanges.
Key words: analytical tools, bioprocessing, Multi-attribute Method (MAM), developability, monoclonal antibody, vaccines, cell therapy, gene therapy, mRNA-based technology, process characterization, process analytical technology (PAT), cross-cutting technologies, CQAs, QC, viral clearance, dual sourcing, cell line stability.
Marketing Toolkit
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- Website: Add the banner to your homepage or a dedicated BioPC2025 event page to ensure visitors know about your participation.
- Emails: Incorporate the banner into email newsletters or event invitations to make the announcement stand out to your audience.
- Social Media: Share the banner on your social media accounts with engaging captions or event details to encourage your followers to attend or learn more.
- Press Releases: Include the banner in your press releases to make the information more visually appealing for the media.
Personalize the banner templates to let your colleagues know you participation at BioPC2025. Be sure to include #BioPCongress to connect with your online community!
If you need a specific format not available here (EPS, AI, PNG), contact Pierre-Mehdi Hammoudi, Event Manager at
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