Click on one of the following buttons to register or log in:

Fee rate (excl. VAT)
Participant Type
Early Bird (until 30/06/2024) Full Rate
Member Non Member Member Non Member
Mature Company 525 € 630 € 750 € 900 €
SME (50 employees max) 300 € 360 € 490 € 600 €
Start-up (3 years max) 190 € 230 € 310 € 390 €
Biotherapy product company* FREE Entrance – Ask us the code
TTO / Cluster / Association/ Consultant 240 € 310 € 340 € 440 €
Investor 300 € 420 €
Academic 90 € 160 €
PhD or Master Student 70 € 70 €

*For companies developing only biotherapeutic products and with a maximum of 20 employees.

Prices are VAT excluded. VAT: 10%
Please note that the price is guaranteed at the time of registration and not at the time of payment.

Groups Discounts Available !
Special rates are available for multiple attendees from the same organization.
Please contact Pierre-Mehdi Hammoudi to know more about it!

Cancellation policy:
• Before 12th July 2024: 90 % refund
• From 13th July to 16th August 2024: 60% refund
• From 17th August 2024: no refund

Cancellation requests must be sent by email to: